Hospital-to-Home Clinic Opens in Sherman Oaks
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Doctors at Epic Medical will care for patients at the hospital and then continue the care when they are home, transferring the patients to their primary care doctors once their conditions are stable. The company has partnered with three home health agencies – Assisted Home Care, Accredited Home Care and Pegasus Home Health Care – to provide home-based care.
“The gap between discharge and follow-up appointment with a primary care physician is when patients are the most vulnerable to relapse or re-injury,” Dr. Keino Rutherford, leader of the clinic, said in a statement. “The goal of the clinic is to educate patients and provide the services to help them manage their condition and regain better health until they are connected with their primary care provider.”
The clinic is located at 4911 Van Nuys Blvd., Suite 307. Epic Medical Group is a group of hospitalist doctors who practice at Sherman Oaks Hospital.